Nota : Puisque la Ontario Tech University est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Offers of Admission

Basic Requirements for Admission

You must successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least six 4U/M credits, including program prerequisites. .

If your grades were affected by exceptional circumstances that can be documented, you are encouraged to contact the Office of the Registrar with the appropriate information. . 

The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. We select students by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria, including school grades, distribution of subjects taken and performance in subjects relevant to the academic program. Possessing the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance and, due to space limitations, preference will be given to applicants with the best qualifications.

Faculties may also require additional assessment of the suitability of a student for admission. This may include, but is not limited to: Personal and professional characteristic assessments, supplemental application documents and admission interviews. 

We reserve the right to determine acceptable academic credentials, grades and prerequisite courses to be used for admission and/or awards.

Failed and Repeated Courses

We use the highest grade obtained in a course in calculating averages.

Timing and Process for Admission Decisions

New applications are processed on a regular basis and decisions are made when grade information is submitted. Log in to your for the most current information and updates.

Applicants Outside Ontario and Canada

IB and AP Requirements