Nota : Puisque la University of Guelph-Humber est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Honours Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media & Communication Studies and Diploma in Media Communications

University of Guelph-Humber



Vue d’ensemble

Sommaire du programme

University of Guelph-Humber
Bachelor of Applied Arts, BAA
Code de programme
Fourchette de notes
Estimated cut-off admission range is 75–80%. Minimum 70% admission average to be considered.
Apprentissage expérientiel
Stage sur le terrain
Langue d'enseignement

You can choose to focus on 1 of 3 specializations: Digital Marketing & Social Media, Media Business & Management or Visual Communication. Full details can be found on our program page. You also have the option not to specialize and pursue a broader path of study.